Tuesday, 7 November 2023

Why Safe Driver Booking is Important in Dubai

Why Safe Driver Booking is Important in Dubai?

Corporate Team in a Car Heading to a Business Meeting

Are you tired of sitting behind the wheel for long hours while navigating through the busy and congested streets of Dubai? Do you wish to arrive at your destination stress-free, without having to worry about finding parking spaces or getting lost in unfamiliar areas? Look no further, as booking Safe Driver Dubai services might be the solution to all your commuting woes.

Dubai, known for its bustling city life and endless traffic, can make driving a stressful experience. From the reckless driving habits of some motorists to the constant tailgating and swerving, the roads can be challenging to navigate, even for the most experienced drivers. This is where the need for professional drivers comes into play.

Booking a safe driver in Dubai is a convenient and efficient solution for both locals and tourists alike. With these services, you can sit back and relax while a trained and experienced driver takes care of the road. Whether you need a safe ride back home after a long night out or an executive car service for important meetings, these drivers can cater to all your needs.

One of the main advantages of booking safe driver Dubai services is ensuring your safety on the road. These drivers are well-versed in the local traffic rules and regulations and are trained to handle various driving situations. They prioritize your safety and make sure to adhere to all road safety standards, reducing the risks of accidents or mishaps significantly.

Moreover, booking safe driver Dubai services can save you valuable time. Rather than spending hours trying to find parking spaces or battling traffic, you can utilize this time by catching up on emails, reading a book, or simply relaxing. Letting a professional handle the driving allows you to be more productive or simply unwind after a long day.

Another added benefit of opting for safe driver services is their knowledge of the city. Whether you're a tourist or a newcomer to Dubai, navigating through the city's maze-like streets can be overwhelming. Safe drivers are well-acquainted with Dubai's roads, landmarks, and popular destinations. can efficiently navigate through the city, taking the most efficient routes to get you to your destination on.

Booking a safe driver in Dubai is also an environmentally friendly choice. By opting for chauffeur services dubai, you can contribute to reducing traffic congestion and emissions. With fewer cars on the road, there is less air pollution, making it a greener and more sustainable choice for transportation.
Business Woman in A Car Holdinh Phone and Laptop


In conclusion, booking safe driver Dubai services is a convenient, safe, and efficient way to navigate the city's busy streets. Whether you need to run errands, attend meetings, or simply want a stress-free commute, these services can cater to all your needs. 
By prioritizing your safety, saving you time, and providing you with local expertise, safe driver services offer a multitude of benefits for all travelers. So, the next time you find yourself dreading the idea of driving in Dubai, consider booking a sober driver dubai and enjoy a smooth and hassle-free journey.
"If you are interested in experiencing the thrilling adventure of Desert Safari Dubai, look no further, and contact us today. With our excellent services and expert guides, you are guaranteed an unforgettable experience in the mesmerizing Arabian Desert. 
Prepare to embark on a thrilling dune bashing ride, where our skilled drivers will take you on a heart-pounding rollercoaster-like journey across the golden sands. Immerse yourself in the rich culture of Dubai with a visit to a traditional Bedouin camp, where you can try various activities like camel riding, sandboarding, and henna painting. 
Indulge in a delectable buffet dinner under the starry skies, accompanied by live belly dance performances that will leave you in awe. Contact us now and let us make your VIP Desert Safari Tour a truly remarkable one."
You may try other packages

Tuesday, 1 November 2022

Hire Car with Driver in Dubai


Safest Driver Dubai Provide All Kinds of Transport

We are your trusted provider of charter transportation, charter bus rentals, and shuttle services in Dubai & UAE.

Safest Driver Dubai is a epitome of experienced management of over 20 years. We ensure our clients tussle free and perpetual amenity throughout the year. We endorse to provide you premier rates according to your allocation.

We specialize in providing reliable, efficient, and affordable private transportation for groups and organizations. We rely on integrity, prompt retaliation and extraordinary service. 

If you want to book Safe Driver Dubai then contact Safest Driver Dubai.

 If you are interested in outdoor adventure then try one of the following outdoor activities in Dubai.

VIP Desert Safari

Overnight Desert Safari

Premium Desert Safari

Quad Biking Dubai

Dune Buggy Dubai


Saturday, 13 April 2019

Desert Safari Dubai Adventure Deals & Offers

Тhе sаfаrі ехреdіtіоns аll lеаvе frоm thе сеntrаl сіtу аnd tаkе аdvеnturеrs оut іntо thе desert. Тrаnsроrtаtіоn іs іn а tеmреrаturе соntrоllеd аll whееl drіvе vеhісlе fоr sаfеtу аnd соmfоrt. Тrаvеllеrs аrе аblе tо сhооsе frоm sеvеrаl орtіоns оf thе Dеsеrt Sаfаrі Dubai. Dереndіng оn thе tіmе аvаіlаblе аnd whаt thе trаvеllеr wіshеs tо sее еасh оf thеsе орtіоns оffеrs а fаntаstіс tіmе іn thе dеsеrt wіth thе орроrtunіtу tо tаkе рhоtоs, rіdе саmеls, еnјоу сuіsіnе оf Dubаі аnd rеturn sаfеlу tо thе сіtу.
Dubаі hаs bесоmе оnе оf thе wоrld’s mоst sоught аftеr vасаtіоn dеstіnаtіоns. Тhіs smаll сіtу-соuntrу hаs mоrе tо оffеr thаn mоst соuntrіеs thаt strеtсh асrоss sеvеrаl tіmе zоnеs. Тhе gоvеrnmеnt оf Dubаі аnd thе busіnеssmеn аrе аlwауs іnvеntіng nеw аnd ехсіtіng wауs tо аttrасt tоurіsts аnd рrоvіdе аn асtіоn расkеd vасаtіоn. 
Тhеrе іs еvеn skііng іn аn еnсlоsеd skі mаll. Тhаt іs skііng оn rеаl snоw іn а соntrоllеd еnvіrоnmеnt іn thе mіddlе оf dеsеrt, hоw сооl іs thаt. Оf аll thе fаntаstіс аttrасtіоns іn Dubаі thоugh оnе stаnds оut аs thе mоst рорulаr аnd ехhіlаrаtіng ехреrіеnсе, thе Dubаі dеsеrt sаfаrі.

UAE Desert Safari DubaiТhе mоrnіng dеsеrt sаfаrі іs а twо hоur trір іntо thе dеsеrt thаt рrоvіdеs thе орроrtunіtу tо dо sоmе Dunе bаshіng wіth thе tоur guіdеs. Dunе bаshіng еnсоmраssеs rіdіng uр аnd dоwn thе dunеs іn thе sроrt utіlіtу vеhісlе whіlе thе guіdе сrіss-сrоssеs sаnd dunеs аnd trаvеrsеs thе nаrrоw rіdgеs. Тhеrе іs аlsо thе орроrtunіtу tо dо а quаd bіkе run оn thе sаnd dunеs. Тhе mоrnіng sаfаrі аlsо іnсludеs саmеl rіdеs аnd thе орроrtunіtу tо gо sаnd skііng оr sаnd bоаrdіng dоwn thе tеrrіfіс sаnd dunеs оf thе dеsеrt.

Тhе mоst best dеsеrt sаfаrі dеаls оffеrеd іs thе еvеnіng Dеsеrt sаfаrі. Lеаvіng thе сіtу аt 4:00 р.m. thе еntіrе ехреrіеnсе wіll lаst fоr sіх hоurs. Раrtісіраnts wіll bе аblе tо gо dunе bаshіng, vіsіt а саmеl fаrm аnd rіdе thе саmеls, раrtісіраtе іn quаd bіkіng іf dеsіrеd аnd sаnd bоаrdіng. Тіmе іs tаkеn аt sunsеt sо thаt thе guеsts саn tаkе рhоtоgrарhs оf thе stunnіng dеsеrt sunsеts. 

 Wаtсhіng thе sun sеt реасеfullу оvеr thе dunеs оf thе dеsеrt іs аnd ехреrіеnсе rаrеlу еnсоuntеrеd. Тhе drаmаtіс соlоrs thаt іllumіnаtе thе еvеnіng skу аrе brеаth-tаkіng.

Аftеr sunsеt а bаr-b-quе іs рrераrеd аnd еvеrуоnе іs trеаtеd tо thе lосаl сuіsіnе. Тhе VІР Dеsеrt sаfаrі еnds wіth thе smоkіng оf thе Ѕhіshа Аrаbіаn wаtеr ріре аnd а bеllу dаnсіng ехhіbіtіоn. Fоr sіх ехсіtеmеnt расkеd hоurs trаvеllеrs аrе trаnsроrtеd іntо thе wоrld оf thе dеsеrt аnd thеn sаfеlу rеturnеd tо thе сіtу fоr thе wоndеrful nіghtlіfе Dubаі hаs tо оffеr. For more information about Desert Safari Offers - please visit UAE Desert Safari.

Fоr thе trulу аdvеnturоus thеrе іs аn оvеrnіght ехреdіtіоn іntо thе dеsеrt. The Evening Desert Safari Passengers wіll lеаvе thе іnnеr сіtу bеtwееn 3:00 р.m. аnd 4:00 р.m. аnd rеturn thе nехt mоrnіng аt 9:00 а.m. Durіng thе sеvеntееn hоurs іn thе dеsеrt tоurіsts аrе trеаtеd tо а whоlе hоst оf асtіvіtіеs. 

Frоm thе drаmаtіс dеsеrt sunsеts tо thе stіmulаtіng sunrіsе іn thе mоrnіng thеsе аrе асtіоn расkеd hоurs оf fun. Іnсludеd асtіvіtіеs аrе dunе bаshіng, саmеl rіdіng, sаnd bоаrdіng, quаd bіkіng (аddіtіоnаl сhаrgеs mау аррlу), аn еvеnіng Ваr-b-Quе, hеnnа раіntіng, bеllу dаnсіng, еvеnіng асtіvіtіеs аnd а brеаkfаst іn thе mоrnіng.
Ѕnасks аrе рrоvіdеd thrоughоut thе trір аs wеll аs а slееріng bаg аnd blаnkеts fоr thе оvеrnіght stау. 

Тhе Ѕhіshа іs оffеrеd fоr thоsе sееkіng thе trаdіtіоnаl Нubblее Вubblее ехреrіеnсе оf thе wаtеr ріре. Аnуоnе whо іs mаkіng Dubаі а dеstіnаtіоn hаs tо tаkе а dеsеrt sаfаrі tо соmрlеtеlу еnјоу thе Dubаі ехреrіеnсе.

For more information about VIP Desert Safari or Overnight Desert Safari in Dubai, please visit at UAE Desert Safari Dubai.

For Safe Driver Dubai Services, contact Safest Driver Dubai LLC.

Toursit Girl Riding Quad Bike in Arabian Desert

Monday, 21 January 2019

Belly Dance Dubai - Evening Desert Safari AED 40

Best Desert Safari Dubai Tour Operator in UAE
Belly dance is an essential part of the entertainment offered during Dubai Desert Safari tours. After a thrilling ride through the sandy dunes, tourists are treated to a mesmerizing performance by talented belly dancers. The dancers, adorned in colorful costumes and intricate jewelry, move gracefully to the rhythm of traditional Arabic music. 
Their fluid movements and hypnotic hip shimmies captivate the audience, transporting them to a world of elegance and beauty. Belly dance in the Dubai Desert Safari tour is not only a visual spectacle but also a cultural experience that showcases the rich heritage of the region. 

Visitors can join in the fun and even learn a few moves themselves, making it a truly unforgettable part of their desert adventure. 
Best Premium Desert Safari Tour in Dubai
 UAE Desert Safari Dubai Offers best Desert Safari Deals at affordable prices with loads of desert safari tour inclusions which you wont find anywhere else.
Some of our popular desert safari tours as below...


For more detailed information about desert safari deals, please visit UAE Desert Safari Dubai at https://uaedesertsafari.com/

Desert Safari Dubai UAE - full of adventure

Desert Safari Dubai Tours
Desert Safari in Dubai, UAE is an exhilarating and adrenaline-pumping adventure that is not to be missed. The vast expanse of golden sand dunes provides the perfect backdrop for thrilling activities such as dune bashing, camel riding, sandboarding, and quad biking
Visitors can experience the heart-pounding excitement of riding up and down steep dunes in a 4x4 vehicle driven by expert drivers. As the sun sets over the desert, guests are treated to a traditional Arabic barbecue dinner under the stars, accompanied by live music and belly dancing performances
Desert Safari in Dubai is a must-do activity for anyone seeking an unforgettable and truly adventurous experience in the UAE.
 UAE Desert Safari Dubai Offers best Desert Safari Deals at affordable prices with loads of desert safari tour inclusions which you wont find anywhere else.
Some of our popular desert safari tours as below...


For more detailed information about desert safari deals, please visit UAE Desert Safari Dubai at https://uaedesertsafari.com/

UAE Desert Safari Dubai on Youtube

UAE Desert Safari Dubai on YouTube

Explore few activities during Dubai Desert Safari by watching few YouTube Videos.
UAE Desert Safari - Youtube Channel


For more detailed information about desert safari deals, please visit UAE Desert Safari Dubai at https://uaedesertsafari.com/

Monday, 14 January 2019

Arabian Safari Adventure and Fun in Dubai Desert

Arabian Desert Safari Adventure in Dubai

I always wonder, why its so fascinating each time I visit to Dubai and hook for Dubai Desert Safari...?

Then it reminds of all the fun adventure rides and live shows which pushes me more & more to re-visit and entertain myself with my family & friends.

My best Tour operator is UAE Desert Safari Dubai

UAE Desert Safari Dubai offers best Desert Safari Deals for Arabian Desert Safari Adventure through out the year based on your budget and time schedule. It has Morning Desert Safari, Evening Desert Safari, VIP Desert Safari Dubai and lots of more tour deals...


Arabian Safari Adventure in Dubai Desert - https://uaedesertsafari.com/desert-safari-dubai.html

Arabian Safari Adventure in Dubai Desert - https://uaedesertsafari.com/desert-safari-dubai.html

Arabian Safari Adventure in Dubai Desert - UAE Desert Safari Dubai - https://uaedesertsafari.com/desert-safari-dubai.html

Arabian Safari Adventure in Dubai Desert - UAE Desert Safari Dubai - https://uaedesertsafari.com/desert-safari-dubai.html

Arabian Safari Adventure in Dubai Desert - UAE Desert Safari Dubai - https://uaedesertsafari.com/desert-safari-dubai.html

Arabian Safari Adventure in Dubai Desert - UAE Desert Safari Dubai - https://uaedesertsafari.com/desert-safari-dubai.html

Arabian Safari Adventure in Dubai Desert - UAE Desert Safari Dubai - https://uaedesertsafari.com/desert-safari-dubai.html

Arabian Safari Adventure in Dubai Desert - UAE Desert Safari Dubai - https://uaedesertsafari.com/desert-safari-dubai.html

Arabian Safari Adventure in Dubai Desert - UAE Desert Safari Dubai - https://uaedesertsafari.com/desert-safari-dubai.html

Arabian Safari Adventure in Dubai Desert - UAE Desert Safari Dubai - https://uaedesertsafari.com/desert-safari-dubai.html

Arabian Safari Adventure in Dubai Desert - UAE Desert Safari Dubai - https://uaedesertsafari.com/desert-safari-dubai.html

Arabian Safari Adventure in Dubai Desert - UAE Desert Safari Dubai - https://uaedesertsafari.com/desert-safari-dubai.html

Arabian Safari Adventure in Dubai Desert - UAE Desert Safari Dubai - https://uaedesertsafari.com/desert-safari-dubai.html

Arabian Safari Adventure in Dubai Desert - UAE Desert Safari Dubai - https://uaedesertsafari.com/desert-safari-dubai.html

Arabian Safari Adventure in Dubai Desert - UAE Desert Safari Dubai - https://uaedesertsafari.com/desert-safari-dubai.html

Arabian Safari Adventure in Dubai Desert - UAE Desert Safari Dubai - https://uaedesertsafari.com/desert-safari-dubai.html

Arabian Safari Adventure in Dubai Desert - UAE Desert Safari Dubai - https://uaedesertsafari.com/desert-safari-dubai.html

Arabian Safari Adventure in Dubai Desert - UAE Desert Safari Dubai - https://uaedesertsafari.com/desert-safari-dubai.html

Arabian Safari Adventure in Dubai Desert - UAE Desert Safari Dubai - https://uaedesertsafari.com/desert-safari-dubai.html

Arabian Safari Adventure in Dubai Desert - UAE Desert Safari Dubai - https://uaedesertsafari.com/desert-safari-dubai.html

Arabian Safari Adventure in Dubai Desert - UAE Desert Safari Dubai - https://uaedesertsafari.com/desert-safari-dubai.html

Arabian Safari Adventure in Dubai Desert - UAE Desert Safari Dubai - https://uaedesertsafari.com/desert-safari-dubai.html

Arabian Safari Adventure in Dubai Desert - UAE Desert Safari Dubai - https://uaedesertsafari.com/desert-safari-dubai.html

Arabian Safari Adventure in Dubai Desert - UAE Desert Safari Dubai - https://uaedesertsafari.com/desert-safari-dubai.html

Arabian Safari Adventure in Dubai Desert - UAE Desert Safari Dubai - https://uaedesertsafari.com/desert-safari-dubai.html

Arabian Safari Adventure in Dubai Desert - UAE Desert Safari Dubai - https://uaedesertsafari.com/desert-safari-dubai.html

Arabian Safari Adventure in Dubai Desert - UAE Desert Safari Dubai - https://uaedesertsafari.com/desert-safari-dubai.html

Arabian Safari Adventure in Dubai Desert - UAE Desert Safari Dubai - https://uaedesertsafari.com/desert-safari-dubai.html


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Thursday, 6 December 2018

VIP Desert Safari Dubai Deals

VIP Desert Safari Dubai Deals

150 AED / Person

The Royal Style VIP Desert Safari Dubai Tour offers a truly luxurious and unforgettable experience in the stunning Arabian desert. From the moment you are picked up in a comfortable and stylish Land Cruiser to the moment you are dropped back to your hotel, every detail is meticulously taken care of. The tour includes exciting activities such as dune bashing, camel riding, sandboarding, and falconry, all conducted with utmost safety and professionalism. 
You also get to indulge in a delectable BBQ dinner in a lavish desert camp, accompanied by live entertainment including belly dancing and traditional music. With VIP service and exclusive amenities, the Royal Style VIP Desert Safari Dubai Tour ensures a truly extraordinary and unparalleled desert adventure.
Explore VIP Desert Safari Tour 
 more detailed info about Desert Safari Dubai Tours, please visit at 

If you are visiting Dubai and in need of a safe and reliable means of transportation, look no further than booking Safe Driver Dubai services. With the ever-growing traffic and unfamiliar roads, having a skilled driver who knows the city well is essential for a hassle-free experience. 
These services provide professional chauffeurs who are not only licensed but also trained in defensive driving techniques. They prioritize safety above all else, ensuring that passengers reach their destinations safely and comfortably. From airport transfers to city tours, booking safe driver services in Dubai guarantees a stress-free and secure travel experience.

 For more information about desert safari offers

CALL / WHATSAPP - +971 56-6054169

Overnight Desert Safari Dubai Deals

Overnight Desert Safari in Dubai

220 AED / Person

more detailed info about Desert Safari Dubai, please visit at 
Overnight Desert Safari Adventure in Dubai

For more information about desert safari offers

CALL / WHATSAPP - +971 56-6054169

Evening Desert Safari Dubai Deals

Best Evening Desert Safari Deals and Offers

Tourist Enjoying Camel Riding during Evening Desert Safari Dubai Tour

Dubai is well-known for its luxurious experiences and thrilling adventures. One of the most popular activities that tourists and locals alike indulge in is the evening desert safari dubai. The vast expanse of golden sand dunes and the breathtaking sunset make for a truly unforgettable experience. There are several tour options available, catering to different preferences and budgets. 
In this blog post, we will explore some of the best evening desert safari offers and deals in Dubai.

1. Self Driver Evening Desert Safari:

50 AED / Person
For those who prefer to have a bit more freedom and flexibility, the self-driver evening desert safari is the perfect option. This allows you to drive your own 4x4 vehicle across the dunes, following a designated route. You can choose your own pace and stop wherever you please to take in the mesmerizing scenery or capture stunning photographs. This is a fantastic option for adventure-seekers who enjoy exploring at their own leisure.

2. Evening Desert Safari by Bus:

60 AED / Person

If you're not too keen on driving in the desert or simply want a more relaxed experience, the evening desert safari by bus is a great alternative. Typically, a professional driver will pick you up from your hotel or a central location in Dubai and transport you to the desert in a comfortable air-conditioned bus. Once you arrive, you will join a group and embark on an exhilarating dune bashing session in a specially equipped 4x4 vehicle. This is followed by activities such as camel riding, sandboarding, and a delicious BBQ dinner at a traditional Bedouin-style camp. This option is ideal for families or larger groups looking for a convenient and hassle-free experience.

3. Standard Evening Desert Safari:

130 AED / Person
The standard evening desert safari is a popular choice among tourists. It offers a well-rounded experience that includes dune bashing, camel riding, sandboarding, henna painting, and shisha smoking. You can also dress up in traditional Emirati attire and take memorable photographs. Additionally, you will be treated to a delectable BBQ dinner with unlimited soft drinks, tea, and coffee. This option is suitable for those looking for a comprehensive desert safari experience without breaking the bank.

4. VIP Evening Desert Safari:

150 AED / Person
For a truly luxurious and exclusive experience, the VIP desert safari is the ultimate choice. This option offers a range of additional benefits and amenities to enhance your desert safari experience. You will be picked up from your hotel in a luxury 4x4 vehicle and have a dedicated guide throughout the tour. The activities include dune bashing, camel riding, sandboarding, and a sumptuous buffet dinner. You will also have access to a VIP Desert Safari lounge where you can relax and enjoy a variety of entertainment options such as traditional dance performances and sheesha. This option is perfect for those seeking a premium and personalized desert safari experience.

No matter which evening desert safari option you choose, you are guaranteed to have an unforgettable time exploring the enchanting beauty of Dubai's desert. The thrill of driving across the dunes, witnessing a mesmerizing sunset, and immersing yourself in Emirati culture will leave you with memories that will last a lifetime. So, don't miss out on these fantastic deals and offers and make sure to include an evening desert safari in your itinerary when visiting Dubai.

more detailed info about Desert Safari Dubai, please visit UAE Desert Safari Websit.
Looking for Safe Driver Dubai Services - contact Safest Driver Dubai LLC.

For more information about desert safari deals

CALL / WHATSAPP - +971 56-6054169

Morning Desert Safari Dubai Deals

Morning Desert Safari - 200 AED
more detailed info, please visit at
Morning Desert Safari

Morning Desert Safari - 200 AED  - https://uaedesertsafari.com

Morning Desert Safari - 200 AED  - https://uaedesertsafari.com

For more information about desert safari

Sunrise Desert Safari Dubai

Sunrise Desert Safari - 450 AED
more detailed info, please visit at
Sunrise Desert Safari

For more information about desert safari deals

Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Book a Desert Safari Dubai Trip

Woman with Quad Bike in Arabain Desert - Desert Safasri Dubai Booking

Desert Safari Dubai Booking

Desert Safari Booking has become a popular choice for adventure enthusiasts and nature lovers alike. The desert offers a unique experience of vast sandy landscapes, thrilling dune bashing rides, and the chance to witness the mesmerizing sunset. 
The adrenaline rush of riding on a camel's back or indulging in sandboarding adds to the allure of this activity. 
Additionally, the opportunity to explore the local culture by visiting traditional Bedouin tents, enjoying Arabic cuisine, and witnessing traditional dance forms like belly dancing further enhances the interest in VIP Desert Safari Dubai booking. 
 This unforgettable experience combines breathtaking scenery with exhilarating activities, making it an increasingly sought-after adventure for travelers from around the world.

Booking Made Simple for You
To Book a Desert Safari Dubai Tour - Call / WhatsApp or Visit our Website.

If you are interest in Safe Driver Dubai Services in Dubai, the contact our partner Safest Driver Dubai LLC.

For more information about desert safari deals